Joe Dawson Highlander Wikipedia. Joe Dawson is a fictional character from the fictional universe of the Highlander franchise. A mortal. Watcher, he is portrayed by actor Jim Byrnes. AppearanceseditDawson is first introduced in the first episode of season two, The Watchers 1. James Horton in Seacouver, Washington, United States. Mac. Leod has been led there by a clue written by Darius on the Fifth chronicle, an old book Mac. Leod found in Darius rectory after his death. The Cool Old Guy trope as used in popular culture. The effectiveness of a cast member is often determined by his distance from the median age of the cast. Watch Highlander III: The Sorcerer Download' title='Watch Highlander III: The Sorcerer Download' />Watch Highlander III: The Sorcerer DownloadMac. Leod does not know at first that Dawson is his Watcher, but Dawson tells him the truth after Mac. Leod knocks out two Hunters I probably know more about you than you know about yourself. I could tell you the time and place you became Immortal, the name of your first love, but thats not important. What is important, is that you care about mortals, and you dont kill for pleasure. When Mac. Leod doubts his story, Dawson tells him with a smile, Youve been around for four hundred years. Youd feel it if I were lying to you. You can always kill me. But between you and me, I hope you dont have to. This episode also introduces Dawsons family, his brother in law James Horton and his niece, Hortons daughter Lynn. Dawson is stunned to learn that Darius was probably killed by Watchers. Dawson reports this to Horton and has to witness Mac. Leods confrontation with Horton. Mac. Leod finally convinces Dawson he is telling the truth. Dawson and his niece Lynn confront Horton, who is finally injured by Mac. Leod. Dawson and the Watchers disappear from the bookshop. In Turnabout 1. Dawson asks Mac. Leod to stop Immortal Quenten Barnes. Watch Carl &Amp; Bertha Online. Mac. Leod agrees because Barnes is threatening his friend Michael Moore. No one realizes that Barnes and Moore are the same person. Conversely, when Mac. Leod asks him to break the rules of the Watchers to get information, Dawson hesitates before accepting. In The Zone 1. Dawson asks Mac. Leod for help again, to check if the leader of the Zone is Immortal but tells him, Be careful around Canaan, alright  I would hate to lose another friend, to which Mac. Leod retorts, Since when did we become friends 2 When Mac. Leod tells Dawson Canaan is not immortal, but he still wants more help from Dawson to stop him, Mac. I/91ZlyWTZK7L._SX522_.jpg' alt='Watch Highlander III: The Sorcerer Download' title='Watch Highlander III: The Sorcerer Download' />Leod tells, There are people that watch and there are people that do. In Under Color of Authority 1. Dawson mentions bird watching is a lot less dangerous than keeping an eye on Mac. Leod and adds, You know, maybe we should both stick to watching the birds, Mac. Leod. Thatd be much safer all around. In Unholy Alliance 1. VexMaster is a fanfiction author that has written 6 stories for Warhammer, Stargate SG1, Hellraiser, Xovers, and StarCraft. Dawson tells Mac. Leod two Immortals have been shot by mortals and then beheaded by an Immortal and adds, You watch yourself, Mac. Leod. 4 When Dawson learns that the mysterious Immortal is Xavier St. Cloud, he decides to help Mac. Leod despite Mac. Leods warnings. Dawson introduces Mac. Leod to Barton, Xaviers Watcher, ignoring that Barton is a renegade Watcher helping Xavier and James Horton to behead Immortals. After Horton shots Charlie De. Salvo, Dawson pretends not to know that Horton is still alive. Mac. Leod meets Horton in the Dawson family crypt and Horton hints that Dawson knew he was alive. Mac. Leod follows Dawson to a wharf when Dawson meets Horton and see them together. Later, Dawson tells Mac. Leod, After you fought with Horton, I had to take him to the hospital. He was dying. He surprised us all. But I made sure he was through with the Watchers, Mac. Leod. 4 When Mac. Leod angrily asks why Dawson failed to tell him this, Dawson answers, Because I knew youd kill him. Ive known the man for twenty five years, hes my sisters husband. I couldnt just let him die. I didnt even know he was here, until you said you saw him. I had to find out why he came back. When Mac. Leod angrily asks what Dawson would have done if he had known what Horton was really doing, Dawson cannot answer. Mac. Leod is hurt by this breach of trust and answers, Next time I see you will be the last. In Unholy Alliance Part Two 1. Dawson tries to regain Mac. Leods trust by giving him the address of Xavier and Hortons hiding, telling him, Whats done is done, Mac. Watch Sideways Torent Free. Leod. I cant take it back. Maybe we werent friends, but we did trust one another once, based on nothing more than a feeling. I just hope you can trust me now. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. But its the truth. Mac. Leod actually finds Xavier and Horton where Dawson told him they were. Later in Paris, Dawson finds Horton as Horton is about to flee in a boat and aims a gun at him. Despite Hortons claim that were family,5 Dawson shoots him. When Mac. Leod hears the sound of the shot and joins him, Dawson tells him, We make mistakes. The script remarks, A debt has been repaid. In Counterfeit Part Two 1. Dawson meets Mac. Leod and Richie to warn them that Horton might have resurfaced. After Mac. Leod meets Lisa Milon, a perfect lookalike of his deceased lover Tessa sent by Horton, Richie turns to Dawson for help. Dawson agrees to investigate Lisa. As Horton tries to shoot Dawson, Richie throws himself in front of Dawson and saves his life. Dawson finds extraordinary to witness Richies death and revival and asks him what it is like to come back. Then he tells Richie, I owe you one. Later, Dawson prevents Horton from shooting Mac. Leod in the cemetery where Tessa is buried. After Mac. Leod kills Horton, Dawson says he will take care of the body. Dawson eventually opens his own jazz club and bar called Joes where Dawson himself and several bands perform. Music, indeed jazz music, is a love of Joes as he is seen performing songs in a few instances. The bar, apart from providing Dawson with an income also acted as a cover for his activities with the Watchers. The bar also acts as a meeting place for other Watchers who may be in the area as Dawson is seen hosting a card game in the bar with other Watchers in attendance. The extent to which the staff of the bar know about the Watchers in never disclosed. Joe Dawson served in the United States Marine Corps in Vietnam under Immortal Andrew Cord. In 1. 96. 8, after seeing Cord shot, Dawson accidentally stepped on a landmine, blowing him up. He was saved by the resurrected Cord, who carried him on his back the sixteen miles to the nearest field hospital. There he tried to tell the psychiatrist that it had been Cord who had saved him, but was told that Cord was dead. Later, he was told that he had his legs amputated.